Monday, June 19, 2006


Once again it's time to recount the last few months of my life via the medium of Intarwerb Bolg.

New roommate Chris V came here from Germany (white dude in pic). I have no idea when he moved in. February? October? Anyway he's paying rent and that's a-okay with me.

There's been some yard-improvment work ... ripping out gravel and old pipelines. My yard has looked like hell since, oh, October.

I started volunteering with the Oregon Natural Desert Association (ONDA). We go in to conservation or wilderness areas and pull out old barbed-wire fences.

The first fence-pull was back in March along the John Day river in north-central Oregon. It started off rainy and cold but opened up on the second day. With one notable exception, the Fruitcake Factor was quite low among the volunteers.

Then there was a trip to Victoria, BC. Neither Joe nor Megan nor I managed to get any decent photos, so here's a pic of me standing on the ferry as we leave Victoria.

It was like being in another country.

There was also a weekend wedding in May in northern Washington for Hans and (Sarah) Shrock. The ceremony was held amongst sagebrush and wildflowers. We were all too tired to fully partake but still had a great time. Also, Pede successfully detected and sidestepped my attempts to get her 100% naked. ONE OF THESE DAYS ... I'll give up. UNTIL THEN ... she'll probably stop returning my calls.

The views in the North Cascades are sick enough to induce barfing.

Let's not forget the Sex Sells party. It stopped selling when I started dancing.

Holy shit we look good. Joe looked even better with his Freddy Mercury getup on.

Fortunately Amy stepped to pretty-up the dance floor. I stood like that for hours.

Right after the party I hosted my folks visiting over Memorial Day. Dad left early so I toured Susan around Oregon for a bit.

The weather cleared up just in time. I love the South Coast.

Our hotel in Ashland. Susan's in a window above ...

And a visit to Crater Lake. Again, barfable scenery.

Two weekends ago was another ONDA trip to pull barbed wire along the John Day river. This time it was a float trip. We camped near an old ranch and pulled a shitload of fence in two days.

Our campsite. If you look reeeaaaally close you might see some white dots in the river. Those are naked people! NAKED!

And finally ... another ONDA fence pull out at Steens Mtn this past weekend.

We stayed at a BLM building that had great views of the mountain from the back porch.

I got to do a little exploring on the way home too and waded into salty Lake Abert.

Oregon's got some rad desert.

Late-breaking news:
  • Mikey and Dawn will be visiting in August. I've intensified my Kegel exercise regimen in preparation.
  • There's a totally ridiculous idea floating around my head of starting a gin distillery. More research is needed but I remain optimistic. If you have any ridiculous ideas of how to make a living, I'd love to hear them. This office shit ain't cutting it.


Blogger tortaluga said...

like we all don't know who the fruitcake was.

11:05 AM  
Blogger Pede said...

hey, NAKED???

hmm... I might have been naked in my sleeping bag... )

when does the new gin distillery start?

more pics, I love it!!!

5:35 PM  

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